Our Services

Data & AI Projects

Are you looking for someone to implement and program Data & AI projects with you or for you?

Our data scientists and data engineers develop technology-independent data-driven solutions with you or for you.

Data & AI Consulting

Are you looking for advice and support on your way to a data-driven organization?

We advise you on this in the form of workshops and individual coaching.

Data Academy

Would you like to train yourself or your employees on the subject of data?

Our Data & AI experts develop tailor-made in-house training courses for your team.

DataOps & AI Products

Are you looking for someone to run your Data & AI services and products with you or for you?

Our data engineers and DataOps experts develop and maintain solutions and products for you.


ProtoGene is a technology neutral business enterprise which provides services and consulting in Analytics, Data Management & Automation across different business verticals.


Founded in 2018 ProtoGene Consulting Private Limited is a niche player in the space of “Data Science”“Digital Transformation”

Our large team of data scientists and data engineers opens up a wide bouquet of algorithms from the fields of mathematical optimization, statistical methods including Bayesian methods, non-linear models such as decision trees, up to our favorite topic deep learning (deep neural networks). For us, the use case is always in the foreground – we understand the most important achievement of our data experts in the translation of your technical requirements (use case) into the analytical model.

“Equipping & Enabling organizations to discover the knowledge from data and realize true potential from the technology procured”



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